Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 4 Post 2

Progress Post

     Through a group chat, we discussed what still needs to be done and what should be improved. We also decided that we should start working on the CAD drawings. We discussed which program would be best out of AutoCAD and Creo Parametric and we decided to use AutoCAD since we were all more familiar with this program. We then discussed how we should go about making the CAD drawings. The best way would be to make a CAD drawing of each part individually then assembling it together. Each person then chose which part they want to make, to split up the work fairly.
     One of the wood pieces out of the two came off of the platform. A sturdier way to attach the two wood pieces onto the platform needs to be found, since the wood glue does not seem to work too well. Using screws like we previously mentioned in a blog post, would be a better option than wood glue at this point, since the wood keeps falling off. 

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