

In order to make this pet feeder place two planks of wood 1' high and 1-2" in width at a distance that will allow the water tank to fit. Cut a circle on top of the water tank for the food to be poured in; this will be covered by a wooden lid that you can open. Cut a PVC pipe of 6" should be connected to the water tank where the food will go through the pipe from the tank. Make a 1" x 1" incision into the PVC pipe for the LEGO piece that will be connected to the NXT motor which will be attached on the outer side of the PVC pipe. The motor will be programmed to move the LEGO piece up and down to allow food to go down further in the pipe as well. This will be programmed to occur in time intervals. The water tank along with the PVC attached is to be screwed in to the two planks of wood first mentioned from the sides.


1. How is this pet feeder different from the ones already on the market?

This automatic pet feeder will allow the consumer to experiment with the programming, where the consumer can set his or her the desired time interval for the food to come.

2. Is this suited for pet food only?

The automatic pet feeder is used for pet food and not water. Pet food with bigger chunks is preferred over smaller pieces for the machine to work ideally.

3. Is this machine portable?

This machine can be moved around easily.

4. How will it prevent animals from stealing the food inside?

Pets are not expected to twist and open the lid on top of the water tank. The NXT pieces will be covered as well.

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