Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 7 Post 1

In Lab Post
     We finished with the final proposal draft and uploaded it so we are now free to work on our project. With the week 10 deadline coming up in just three weeks we really needed to speed up the pace. So we got our briefing of what was going on and immediately headed off to the machine line.

     While in the machine lab we wanted to make a container for the motor to fit inside so that it will be protected from outside forces, specifically pets. We found pieces of wood that were relatively thin around the machine lab. With the wood, we measured a box that the motor would fit tightly in. With the help of the professionals at the machine lab, the pieces to the container is cut. We later used hot glue gun to glue the pieces of the container together.

This is how the wooden case we made looked like when we were finished.

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