Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 6 Post 1

In Lab Post
     At this point, there was not much we could do inside our main lab section room in Lebow so we decided to head out to the machine lab once class started. We started off just discussing what out goals are for the upcoming week and what we plan to do. We decided that we have the tank properly cut and the frame for the pet feeder set up so we should probably work on attaching the two pieces together as soon as possible.

     However, we did not have a lot of time within the lab period to do that so we decided to meet later that week to attach them. So for this week we mainly worked with an electric saw to cut a PVC pipe in half. This piece serves as an extension to our previous cut PVC pipe to form a sort of ramp that the food will roll down of. In addition to cutting the piece in half, we also had to cut the edges on one side to a slant so that it can lean against our original PVC pipe and automatically be at a slant.

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