Saturday, April 18, 2015

Week 3 Post 3

Progress Post
     We were finally done with our first day at the machine lab. It didn't go as we had planned since it took us a long time to get everything done but did eventually get it done. Before we left the machine lab, we wood glued pieces of wood together. Unfortunately, some of them didn't stick together so we need to reconsider the use of wood glue. We plan on using screws to piece the wood together which would be a much more stable alternative but we will use wood glue for now since it is just a prototype.
      Now that we finally have the hole through the PVC pipe, we can work on how the gate should look like and potentially coding it. For this, we will finally start using the NXT kit we are assigned. Currently, we plan on attaching a thin piece of wood to the motor to extend the gate so that it will reach the other corner of the PVC pipe and stop the food from flowing. 

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