Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week 3 Post 1

In Lab Post
     Today we got a lot of our supplies in and were hoping that there would be more tools in the lab so that we can work on building our things. Sadly, there wasn't really any useful tools around so we decided on just waiting until we met up at the machine lab later this week to work on things.

     One thing that was not mentioned in last weeks post was that the NXT kit we received was missing an USB cable to connect it to the computer where we can upload our code. We decided to ask for another USB cable this week but unfortunately they ran out so we cannot bring it home. However, we haven't really gotten to the coding part yet so this didn't delay us. 

Pauline brought in her water gallon today and it was smaller and a better size for us to make our prototype from. The opening of the gallon however did not fit into the PVC pipe as we were hoping for however we though we can saw off the tip of the gallon and file the inside of the pipe so that it can fit together. We plan on doing this when we go to the machine lab.

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