Friday, April 10, 2015

Week 2 Post 3

Visit to Home Depot
     The whole group took a visit to Home Depot on Friday when we were all done with our classes. Our main objective was just to look around for any potential items we may need and maybe find some potentially useful material. We didn't buy much other than a couple wood pieces and a PVC pipe. We had a little paper with the outline of how big the hole of the water gallon that Pauline had at home was. We want the PVC pipe to be big enough so that the tip of opening can fit right into the pipe but not too big to the point where the whole opening is put into the pipe. Sadly, PVC pipes all came in large sizes so we had to buy a very large piece not needing most of it.

Here is the picture of the PVC pipe (left) and, as you can see, it is very long. It was left over at Kevin's house where it will be kept til the next lab meeting. His dad helped cut the PVC pipe into a smaller segment (right) so it can be brought to class more easily, but it still needs to be cut down more for when we decide on exactly how long we need the pipe to be. 

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