Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week 2 Post 1

In Lab Post
     We brought the supplies in as we planned; water gallon, water pump, and wood. We also decided to get our NXT kit today since we will need to use the motors later in the design. The water tank that Kevin brought in was a 5 gallon one and we all felt it was a bit too big.

Luckily, Pauline said he had another water gallon at home that was a 3 gallon one so we decided to use hers that she will bring in next week. 

This is the water pump we brought in that we were potentially going to use to deliver water from one place to a bowl that the
dog will drink from.  However, the pump seems a bit hard to squeeze and it was also really slow on pumping the water so we thought  maybe we should find an alternative. We eventually decided that we would ditch the water supplying part of our pet feeder to make it a bit easier for now and potentially get back to that later in the project.

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