Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 1 Post 3

Design Proposal
     Our group met up today to work on our design proposal due next Tuesday during our lab section. We mainly worked on the proposal through google docs where we separated each individual part of the proposal to a member to work on. 

  • Anley worked on the Abstract and Faculties
  • Chris worked on Budget and Expertise
  • Kevin worked on Technical Activities and Project Timeline
  • Pauline worked on the Introduction and Deliverables
     While working on this, we got a better overall understanding of what we wanted to design for the pet food feeder. We also took into more consideration exactly what items we need and how much we would have to spend on them. Currently, we're trying to build the prototype off materials we already have at home such as the water tank or the water pump. 
Click here to download the Design Proposal

     We also discussed what we were going to do for our next lab meeting. We decided to bring some materials in to class so we can further discuss how we were going to design. We decided bring to class a water tank, the water pump, and some wood pieces to help brainstorm. 

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