Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 9 Post 3

Final Touches

After the pet feeder was tested, we found that no other changes needed to be made, we used the epoxy to attach the PVC pipe to the mouth of the water gallon. We did this step last, because once the PVC pipe was on the mouth of the water gallon, it would be hard to make any changes if needed. 

This is the final structure of the pet feeder. The PVC pipe is attached to the water gallon, where food will be dispensed. The NXT Mindstorm can be easily accessed at the side of the feeder, by simply sliding the door of the box. 

From testing out the pet feeder, the more food that was added, the more the feeder was clogged. To fix this, we adjusted the NXT program so the motor would loop between opening and closing for five times. After adjusting the program, more food came out of the pet feeder and it clogged less. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing us about this update. Hope you will not get tired on making posts as informative as this. automatic pet feeder
